Sep 2, 2019 - Sep 8, 2019 - A powerful focus on your sign suggests this is an opportunity to be well and truly yourself. This is your time to share ideas, get involved in personal projects that are deeply meaningful to you, and reach out to others who are on the same wavelength.
At the same time, with sweet Venus, lively Mercury, and the sun linking to jovial Jupiter and your home zone, you may want to involve your family in your latest plans, or they could insist that you allow them on board. Accommodating other people’s needs may not be easy, particularly if you’re set on a certain course. Nevertheless, you likely can’t escape their demands, so you might need to compromise to keep the peace.
This could also be the case with friends or a romantic partner. While this time is very much about you and your needs, the key people in your life certainly won’t want to be left out.