Rewarding Employees in Your Company

Slay Magazine
May 9, 2016

We should all know that worker morale is the heartbeat of a company's success. If you didn't, you do now. Worker morale reflects the internal structure of a company. If there's a poor company structure, the worker morale may be poor as well. However, if there is a strong company structure, the worker morale should be just as strong.

One thing I've noticed is that Fortune 100 companies understand that company morale is significant to productivity. By keeping their teams happy, their companies perform well compared to others that don't impose reward programs for their workforce.

Now, keep in mind that rewards should not be entirely cash-related (although that is a great motivation), but rather more sincere to the value of their employees. These great words from an author, strategic advisor, consultant, and business coach Dan S. Kennedy perfectly sum up this concept: "You can't buy morale or compliance.” These people are spending 40+ hours a week helping your company grow. A paycheck isn't enough in today's world. Helping your team feel wanted and appreciated builds enthusiasm for accomplishing any task. Doing events such as company gatherings outside the work environment, holding office parties, drawings for vacations, etc. are great ways to build that morale.

Another thing to keep in mind is that rewards should only be given when the occasion calls for it. Rewards mean a lot when your team performance has proved worthy; a way to lower morale is overdoing the rewards. If this happens often, it would be shown as a usual gesture and nothing to be appreciated; therefore, giving your team nothing to be excited about.

One last thing: a leader shows their gratitude for the small things as well as the big. The smallest task shouldn't go unnoticed. Praises for completing a day’s amount of work should always be given to keep great morale intact. Showing appreciation for jobs well-done in your company should always be given to your team.

"Moving forward in any business is a tough obstacle. Some things you cannot do alone." - FOOD FOR THOUGHT.

By: Aaron Lewis

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